STL are very proud to have taken part in Movember 2020!
To end a rough year on a good note, we wanted to take part in something worthwhile. STL operates within a male dominated industry and by supporting Movember, we are supporting their work in men’s mental health, suicide prevention, prostate and testicular cancer. And we are also supporting our team.
Our fleet cruised around with the iconic Movember Mo for the entire month of November, acting as large moving billboards for the charity. We donated ourselves and took donations on our Facebook page that went directly to The Movember Foundation.
The moustaches were kindly custom made and applied for us by our friends at Transvisual. We could not have done it without them. We should also like to thank Keith Andrews Trucks for supporting us, Ardmore Airport for allowing us to use their facilities, and New Zealand Trucking Magazine for featuring us in their publication.